No time for nuffin’


I need to start making more me/crafty/blog time. I’m still shutter-bugging away, documenting everything I do or see (even right down to that yummy bowl of noodle soup in my last post!) When it comes to me’s the bare minimum. Work (and commuting from work) means I’m home at a relatively okay time but I’m knackered and just want to sleep as soon as I’m in the door. Besides, I’m at a computer 9hrs a day so when I’m home the last thing I want to do is stare at another computer screen! I’ve been speaking to mum about making time for proper meals as eating enough is something I just don’t do any more, that and sleep. With everything else that I have to do in the day reminding myself to eat is not as easy as you’d think. Especially when it’s just too easy to grab a coffee to keep me going at work. I’ve been having a lot of trouble with toothache lately which also added to the lack of solids I’m consuming. All should be fixed by Tuesday. I finally got around to booking the dentist! I’ve been putting it off for months. You know that awesome feeling you get when you’ve gotten around to doing something you’ve been letting slip for far too long, however small it is? Yeah, that’s how I felt.

Speaking of getting around to things, I’ve been making headway towards some of my tasks on the resolutions page. I’m hoping to be able to share some favourite moments from my travels to South Africa and Mozambique really soon! It will be a big task but I’ve planned some things I’m going to blog about already, all I need to do is give myself the time to sit down and really get into it. Travel blogging is something that should really be done when you’re there and not afterwards but with this being said, who wants to spend their adventure in front of a laptop screen when you could be feeding massive crocodiles or snorkelling in the third biggest ocean in the world?! I certainly don’t regret it.

Lots of things planned, not enough time to post. Ha! Life gets in the way but I guess it’s a good thing. Anyone have Bernard’s magical watch I can borrow? xo

Home for the weekend

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The days are getting slightly longer (still bright at half 5!) and there’s tell-tale signs of Spring. Big bubbly baths are the best way to start a Saturday morning and veggie noodle soup will cure all forms of post-work grumpiness  Hydrangeas are beautiful even when they’re dying and we have the strangest collection of chickens ever (meet Bassie!)
Being home for the weekend is giving me that little break I enjoy from my life away from home, it’s so strange how things have turned around. I used to stay at Shane’s for that mini escape and now I’m returning home for it! Oh life, in it’s strange-ities! XO 



Hello 2013

SRw2013©The first week of 2013 is over and it’s slowly slipping back to normality from a much needed Christmas break. I’m back at work, back to my 7am starts and back to not having time for anything again. And that’s only the first week!

IMG_2577So this weekends been all about relaxing and getting lazy. I know I planned to make more out of my weekend (see resolutions here!) but truthfully I’m still in that slack-mode to do nothing except enjoy not having to do anything when I have time off. So far this weekend I have finished my first book of the new year, the Alchemist. A lovely and beautifully written book about searching for your destiny and not giving up on your dreams. Pretty appropriate reading material for me I think.  IMG_2588 IMG_2592

I started a simple crochet project, filled some more pages with drawings in my moleskin and even got around to painting some sketches I started a while ago. Documentaries and re-watching favourite seasons of Dexter have been on constant in the background and list making and planning for holidays is already fully under way. 2013 will be spectacular but for now I’m more than content to just binge until it’s pay-day.

How was your first week of the new year? xo
