November so far

With the Winter creeping in on us slowly but surely, the days are still beautiful but oh so cold. Frosted windows and icy air means more warm layers and big mugs of coffee to soothe my achy bones. I treated myself to some winter boots and a thick burgundy scarf to keep me going this Winter. It supposed to be a cold one!I love these boots, I can’t stop wearing them. For Primark they are super cozy and so easy to slip in and walk. I’m tempted to buy a second pair as I know Primark aren’t the best for lasting footwear.. We’ll see. My most recent read is The Shadow of The Wind by Carlos Ruiz Zafón, only a few chapters in I know this book will be a favourite.Speaking of favourites, fresh fruit salad with museli and yoghurt with a good cuppa is one of my favourite ways to start the day. That or dippy egg on toast. Yummy!I’ve been continuing on my South Africa scrapbook a little, mostly done before work last month just tweaking some pages and adding some more colour. I want to buy myself a watercolour paint set…maybe with my next pay check? I miss painting, I did a lot of it out in Africa and really grew to love using watercolours. One day I’ll upload my scrapbook and show it all here. Until then, snippets will have to do! XO

I love reading all your lovely comments! :] xo